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Desert Highlander

The Desert Highlander
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Newsletter Editor
Iain Lundy

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We have reset the membership year to start with the annual Scottish Games.

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The Caledonian Society
of Arizona

P.O. Box 50092
Phoenix, AZ 85076

About Us
Welcome to the Caledonian Society of AZ. The original Scottish Society of Arizona was organized on September 26th, 1953. The first Highland Games were put on in 1964 by members who played in the Phoenix Scottish Pipe band. The Highland Society of AZ was formed shortly thereafter to take over the Games and to hold an annual St. Andrew’s Day Dance. It became a 501[c]3 Non-Profit in 1976 and the name changed in 1981 to the Caledonian Society of Arizona

So, while it’s true that the Phoenix Scottish (Highland) Games will celebrate their 59th anniversary in March of 2024, it’s also a fact that the Scots in the Valley have been meeting as an organized group for 65 years!

Our Gatherings
Regular gatherings feature educational and entertainment programs and we often provide sponsorships for Scottish activities such as Dance, Drums and Piping.
Scottish Games
The Caledonian Society of Arizona has been proud to host The Phoenix Scottish Games - formerly named the Arizona Scottish Gathering & Highland Games - for over half a century. You don’t have to be Scottish to attend our Games. We welcome everyone and hope you’ll share with us about your cultural background too! Visit the Genealogy tent and trace your own family roots. There will be so much to see and do! Artists will entertain throughout the day with their traditional and modern Scottish tunes. The wee lads & lassies area will entertain our younger visitors. We will also showcase competitive highland dancing, pipe bands, heavy athletics, country dancing, historical re-enactments, vintage British car show/exhibition and representatives of over 50 Clans.

The Phoenix Scottish Games is a 3-day celebration of Scottish culture featuring athletics, music, dance, pipes & drums and genealogy research.

Our 59th annual Games will be held at Gilbert Regional Park on March 1-3, 2024!

Games web site
 © Copyright 2009-2024 - The Caledonian Society of Arizona